How to customize email templates?

In Kiflo you can customize your email templates to match your processes. Email templates are used to inform your partners on new deals, new leads, partner sign-up, acceptances, rejections, and much more.

To customize an email template, from the main menu go to Manage > Email templates:

In this article

Editing "About this email template"

You can customize the following:

  • From Name - Name used to send email e.g. Channel Manager or Company Name.
  • Reply-To - The email specified here is used for any replies to the email.
  • BCC - This field can be used to track emails on a CRM or for team visibility purposes.
  • Invitation Email On/Off Button - The email template can be used as an invitation email template. If enabled, this template will be used to invite new partners to Kiflo.

You can rename the email template by clicking Action.

Don't forget to save your changes by clicking on the  Save button.

Adding/Editing Placeholders

You can insert placeholders in the email template. They will be replaced by contextual information depending on the recipient. 

Here are the placeholder options available on Kiflo:

  • User Firstname - Ability to add the First Name of the recipient automatically.
  • User Lastname - Ability to add the Last Name of the recipient automatically.
  • User Activation URL - Automatically add User Activation URL to a template. This Placeholder gives the recipient the ability to log in to Kiflo by using the activation URL. This placeholder is most often used when a partner application has been accepted. You can also edit the text of the hyperlink by changing the content after the colon ":".
  • Lead URL - Automatically add Lead URL to a template. This Placeholder gives the recipient the ability to view a lead that has been submitted on Kiflo. This placeholder is most often used as an acknowledgment when a lead has been submitted. Y You can also edit the text of the hyperlink by changing the content after the colon ":".
  • Deal URL - Automatically add Deal URL to a template. This Placeholder gives the recipient the ability to view a deal that has been submitted on Kiflo. This placeholder is most often used as an acknowledgment when a deal has been submitted.  You can also edit the text of the hyperlink by changing the content after the colon ":".

How to edit the text in a Placeholder:

Example: {{ActivationUrl:click here}} can be changed to {{ActivationUrl:Activate your account}

You can edit the contents of a placeholder by changing the content after the colon ":"

Changed to {{ActivationUrl:Activate your account}. 

Testing Email Templates

You can test a template before sending it to a group or assigning it to your processes.

Here is how to send a test email: 

  1. Click the Test button
  2. Choose a recipient email

The placeholders will be replaced by the current user information. 

Don't forget to save your changes by clicking on the Save button.

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