
Connect Kiflo with your Wordpress site in order to track visits, send leads, customers and partner applications to Kiflo.

Download & Install

You can download our custom WordPress plugin here: https://cdn.kiflo.com/wordpress/plugins/kiflo_latest.zip

From your WordPress admin panel:

  • Go to Plugins from the main menu
  • Click Add New
  • Then click, Upload Plugin
  • Select the plugin package
  • Click Install Now
  • Once installed, click on Activate Plugin

If the plugin is successfully installed, you should see a new item in the main menu:

Connect Kiflo to track website visits

From your WordPress admin panel:

  • Click on the new Kiflo item in the main manu
  • Paste your API Access Token (follow the instructions here to Generate a new API Access Token)
  • Click on Save Changes

If your account is connected you should see somthing similar to:

You Kiflo account is connected with WordPress and website visits are tracked!

To check that everything is fine:

  • Go back to your Kiflo account
  • Open page Account > Integration and verify your installation:

Build your lead form

There are many WordPress plugins which allow you to design & manage forms. Kiflo integrates seamlessly with the following plugins:

We recommend using WPForms because the integration is easier, and don't rely on any other app. Leads, or partner applications can push directly to your Kiflo account.

Using Gravity Forms or Cognito Forms, the integration relies on Zapier to push the leads to Kiflo, but is allows you track the source partner.

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