WordPress - Gravity Forms
Connect Kiflo with your Wordpress site in order to track visits, send leads, customers and partner applications to Kiflo.
The integration relies on 2 Wordpress plugins:
- Kiflo (https://cdn.kiflo.com/wordpress/plugins/kiflo_latest.zip): this plugin allows you to easily connect WordPress with your Kiflo account and provide an easy integration with WPForms.
- GravityForms (https://www.gravityforms.com/): this is very popular commercial plugin that can be connected to many apps (Zapier, HubSpot, Slack, etc). You can Connect it to Zapier and track the leads coming from your partners.
Setup Kiflo WordPress plugin
To download, install and configure Kiflo WordPress plugin, please refer to this article: https://docs.kiflo.com/article/39-wordpress
GravityForms integration
We recommand connecting GravityForms with Zapier and inject the Kiflo tracking code in an hidden form field. It will allow Kiflo to track source partner for any lead or customer created from GravityForms.
Injecting tracking code
Injecting the Kiflo tracking code is easy:
- Add an hidden field in your existing form
- Configure it to be automatically populated, like this:
Don't forget to use the parameter name: kiflotrackingcode, all lower case, no spaces