How to notify partners when certifications expire?

Notifying partners when certification expires is important, ensuring they are always kept up-to-date.

Notify partners when certification expires

Before you can notify partners about certification, you need to create a certification.

Once that has been done, follow these simple steps:

  • Go to the specific certification
  • Click on Edit in the About this certification section
  • Define a Validity period, such as 12 months
  • Select the template that will be used when reminding you and your partner about the expiration of the certification
  • Include the days when you would like to send the reminder
  • Select a template to be sent on the day of the certification expiration

For instance, with one-year certification, you can include an email template that will be sent when the certification expires. You can choose to send another email template 31 days before the certification expires.

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