How to create a certification?

This article is about how to create a new certification. To get more information about certifications, please read: Certification Overview.

Create a certification

Go to Manage > Certifications from your admin portal, then click the New certification button.

Choose a name for the certification :

If the certification expires after a certain amount of time from the date the partner team member got it, you can specify expiration fields as follows:

  • Validity period: Number of months the certification is valid from the day it is acquired by a partner team member.
  • Expiration reminder email template: (Optional) The email sent to the partner team member when the certification is about to expire. If empty, the partner team member won't be notified.
  • Expiration reminder days: The number of days to send the reminder notification to the partner team member before the certification expires.
  • Certification expired email template: (Optional) The email sent to the partner team member the day the certification expires. If empty, the partner team member won't be notified.


Even if reminder and expired email templates are optional, we recommend configuring emails if the certification expires to ensure partners know they have to renew the certification.

Example: The following certification is valid for 1 year and the partner team member is notified 1 month before the expiration.

Finally, click the Add button and that's it! You've created the new certification. 

Now you can give this certification to partner team members following these steps: How to give certifications to partners?

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