WordPress - ActiveCampaign

This page describes how to use existing ActiveCampaign form to track referral from partners.


The integration relies on 2 Wordpress plugins:

Setup Kiflo WordPress plugin

To download, install and configure Kiflo WordPress plugin, please refer to this article: https://docs.kiflo.com/article/39-wordpress

Configure ActiveCampaign form

Follow these steps in order to configure your form to have a new field that will store the Kiflo tracking code

  • Edit your form in ActiveCampaign 
  • Add a custom hidden field named "kiflotrackingcode" (note: you can choose another name):
  • Add the new field in your form

That's it for the form configuration part, now it's time to integrate it with Kiflo.

Integrate ActiveCampaign form

In your ActiveCampaign account:

  • Edit your form
  • Click on Integrate button
  • Copy the form URL (in red the following red rectangle) and save it for later usage:

In your WordPress editor:

  • Edit the page where you want to integrate the form
  • Insert this shortcode:
    [kifloactivecampaign form='<a href="https://xxxxxx.activehosted.com/f/embed.php?id=1' field='kiflotrackingcode']

The form parameter must be replaced by the URL you copied in the previous step.
The field parameter may be replaced by the name of the customer hidden field you created, if you choosed another name.

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