How to track and manage the onboarding of a particular partner?

This page describes how to track the current state of the onboarding process for a particular partner.

Before you begin

Make sure you've read the Partner Onboarding page.

Overview of the Onboarding tab

Here is an example of how the onboarding tab looks like when a partner is currently onboarding:

Example of onboarding tab

Left menu

On the left part, you'll find the list of all stages in the current onboarding pipeline.

Completed stages

All stages marked with a tick are completed and below is the date when it has been completed.

Current stage

The current stage is marked with a dot (in the example above: "Finalize contract".

Navigate to stage

Click on the stage name on the left in order to list all actions defined in this stage.

Center view

In the center, you'll find:

  • The name of the current pipeline and stage at the top (in the example above, the displayed stage is "Finalize contract" in the "Referral partners onboarding".
  • The list of all actions defined in that stage. Depending on the status you can validate, invalidate, or skip action for that particular partner only.

Manage actions

Depending on the status of the action, you could have to validate it or choose to skip it. Here is a description of the different types of actions and their statuses: What are onboarding actions?

Validate action

On a given Waiting for approval action, click the Validate button to mark it as completed. Make sure you've reviewed the information provided by the partner before validating the action.

Invalidate action

On a given Completed action, click the Invalidate button to roll back the approval and ask the partner to complete it again:

  • The status goes from Completed to Action required
  • The partner is notified and can complete it again

It is only possible for Completed actions and only impacts the current partner.

Skip action

On a given Pending action, click the Skip button to skip this action. The partner won't have to complete it. It only impacts the current partner.

Move partners to the next stage


The primary use case for defining actions as part of your onboarding process is to automate partner onboarding. When the last action in a stage is marked as Completed, the partner automatically moves to the next stage. You have nothing to do!


You may have stages in your onboarding pipeline without actions. It happens if you have to complete actions but not partners.

In this case, it's up to you to move the partner to the next stage and you are ready. Just click the Move partner to the next stage button:

The stage is marked as Completed, the partner is moved to the next stage, and they can start completing the next actions.

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