How to map fields with HubSpot?

Looking to map deal stages instead?

Check out this page: How to map deal stages with HubSpot?

The native HubSpot integration can be configured to choose for each field if and how it must be synchronized. This provides the high degree of flexibility required to keep your CRM clean.

This page describes how to customize the field mapping between Kiflo and HubSpot.

Before you begin

  • Make sure the HubSpot integration is enabled: HubSpot
  • And you turned on the right settings to sync deals: Settings

Customize the mapping:

  • Go to the Manage page
  • Click on the Integrations button
  • Click on HubSpot
  • Click on the Mapping tab
  • Then select the type of object you'd like to map

Add mapping

In order to sync a new field with HubSpot:

  • Click the Add mapping button
  • Select the source property from Kiflo
  • Select the target property in HubSpot
  • Choose the sync rule that describes how the field should be synced
  • Then click the Add button to save changes

Learn more about sync rules

Remove mapping

If you'd like to stop syncing a field, you can remove the mapping:

  • Check or more rows (mapping)
  • Click the Delete button
  • Then confirm the deletion

Those fields won't be synced anymore. It does not impact/remove the data already sent to Kiflo or HubSpot.

Compatible types

You can only select compatible properties. Text properties can be mapped with text properties, date properties with date properties, and so on.

Here are the compatible property types:

Kiflo property type HubSpot property type
Single-line text Single-line text
URL Single-line text
Email Single-line text
Multi-line text Multi-line text
Checkbox Single checkbox
Multi-select Multiple checkboxes
Single select Dropdown select
Date Date picker
Number Number
Currency Number
Kiflo user Hubspot user

Mapping list of values

For Single select or Multi-select properties, every single option must be mapped. A new section is visible when adding a mapping on single or multi-select properties:

The left column represents all possible values in Kiflo and the right column represents all possible values in HubSpot.

Sync rules

For each mapping specify how the data must be synced. There are four different options:

Sync rule Description
Prefer Kiflo The most recent value from Kiflo will always overwrite the value in HubSpot. If the field is emptied in Kiflo it won't empty the field in HubSpot.
Prefer HubSpot
The most recent value from HubSpot will always overwrite the value in Kiflo. If the field is emptied in HubSpot it won't empty the field in Kiflo.
Both ways (default) The fields are synced both ways. The most recent value always overrides the previous one. If it's changed in HubSpot it will update Kiflo, if it's changed in Kiflo it will update HubSpot.
None The fields won't be synced at all. It's equivalent to removing the mapping.
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