Workflow action: Create task

You might not always want to send emails when a workflow is triggered, so you can create tasks or do both. We will look at how you can do that with Kiflo!

Creating tasks

Tasks refer to actions that must be completed within a specific period, as they will have a due date. Follow these steps to create a task:

  • Go to Manage, click Workflows, create a new Workflow, and Name the workflow
  • Select a trigger, press the Plus button, and select Create a task
  • Name the task and Insert placeholder, which can include the Partner name, Team member’s first name, or Team member’s last name
  • Include a due date on Due in (days) as well as the Time
  • Specify who the task will be Assigned to and whether the task will be visible to the partner
  • Include a Description of the task and include some placeholders such as the Main contact’s email address, Partner name, Team member’s email address, etc.
  • Click Confirm

Common uses

Fast-tracking payout process

You could make the payout process quicker by using the Payout validated trigger and automatically creating tasks.

For example, you could create a task by including the main contact involved in the payout process.

Name the task “Upload invoice” with a due date so the task is completed within an acceptable period so you can complete the payout process.

Create tasks for partners who log into the partner portal for the first time

To create tasks for partners who log into the partner portal for the first time, you can use the Partner invitation status changed trigger when the invitation is Accepted.

When a partner team member accepts an invitation by logging into the partner portal for the first time, the invitation status will move to Accepted. When this happens, you could automatically create a task for them, such as scheduling an onboarding call. Include the person to whom the task will be assigned and a description.

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