How to re-assign a lead?

It might happen you share a lead with a partner, but you might change your mind and want to re-assign it to another partner. It is easy to re-assign a lead using Kiflo. We will show you how to do that.

Re-assigning a Lead

To get started with re-assigning a lead, follow the steps below:

  • Go to the lead that has a pending status and has been sourced by you
  • You will see a Share button, click on it
  • Select a New Assigned Partner
  • Select a New Assigned Contact

You can include a deadline for the partner to accept or refuse the lead that has been shared with them before a certain time.

Write a note under Additional notes if you need to. Choose whether or not you want the note to be visible to partners. For example, you can write a note in this section to share valuable information with the newly assigned partner.

Once done, click Share, the partner will receive a new email notification. The lead will be shared with a new partner, and they will have to accept or refuse the lead.

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